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We can fix your relationship … with your retirement plan

If you’re here, it’s because public records showed your retirement plan offering includes a “red flag” investment. Other plans offering these mutual funds are staring down lawsuits with millions at stake. And the worst part? The plan fiduciaries may be personally liable. While damages average close to $1M per person, many fiduciaries don’t even know they’re at risk.

That’s why we launched this outreach campaign.

We know from public records that your retirement plan includes at least one offering that’s potentially problematic. Our patented PlanAnalyzer™ can give you a fuller picture. We can estimate your potential liability in dollars; we factor in potential participant lawsuits, potential IRS violations and potential ERISA/Labor Department violations into our calculations.

Preview the Plan Analyzer

While seeing your potential liability is worrying, we aren’t trying to worry you. We can help you neutralize your risk. We offer two levels of service—our RECON plan which has us in a consultant role and a DRIVE plan where we assume your potential liability. Here’s how they work:

Questions? We thought you’d never ask!

Set up a consultation and and we’ll run our PlanAnalyzer on your retirement plan offering FOR FREE and discuss how we can help you get compliant.

We’re a better (and cheaper) date than lawyers and regulators. We can almost guarantee it.

Set up a free consultation